Newsletter #31
Dear awesome people,
welcome to the Atomler newsletter! There are quite a few new adresses in the mail-list so we are excited to share the wonderful world of Atomler with you. Let's dive right into the details:
We have been working hard on the technical implementation of the enhanced flows for material quality testing which are based on prototypes developed together with our partners in the RE:Source project. We are soon ready to show the implementation to collaborators.
Atomler has been very active on social media and the activity has been fruitful in terms of traffic to as well as in terms of new user registrations.
We have had a continued discussions with a possible business partner.
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet received some data from Atomler as to facilitate for their calculations.
The RE:Source report has been written on, it will take it's time =D
Speaking of RE:Source, Ronoplast, Paxymer and Atomler had a review of the 3rd work package and we were happy to conclude that it is closing completion.
We have had a few applicants for the role as sales representative and would love more applications.
We are looking into getting the help of head hunting agencies for the sales rep. role
Atomler has gotten customer feedback regarding the terms and conditions of the service and we have slimmed down and simplified the document significantly. Please look forward to a new version online soon.
Customer testimonials:

Recently, Pamex used Atomler to find new suppliers and we took the opportunity to ask Andreas Wilhelmsson, CEO, 3 quick questions about his experience using Atomler.
Atomler: Hi Mr. Wilhelmsson, can you shortly explain what challenge Atomler helped you with?
Pamex: Finding suppliers abroad is often a challenge and Atomler has helped us connect with suppliers outside of Sweden.
Atomler: How has the experience been in the process from communication to the final deal?
Pamex: The process from the supplier side was somewhat slow since it was vacation times but overall the process is simple to handle.
Atomler: Would you recommend Atomler to others?
Pamex: Yes, I would recommend Atomler! You have developed a smooth way for companies like mine to find new suppliers.
Stay safe and healthy! // Team Atomler