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What's cooking at Atomler? Summer edition!

Newsletter #29

Dear awesome people,

summer is here and for most this means more of "sipping drinks on a beach" than "sell your plastic on Atomler". Nevertheless, the issue with low recycling rates does not take a summer vacation and we at Atomler are happy to announce all the awesome activities conducted recently. So let's dive right into the details:


Udarapriya Damith Liyanaarachchi joins Atomler as Software developer. "Udara" is a startup veteran with experience building solutions within e-commerce, hospitality and tutoring. He is does karate and archery on his spare time and has experienced the issues related to plastic pollution in his own neighborhood. We are thrilled to have him onboard the Atomler train!

Other Happenings:

  • Kent arranged a meeting with one potential shipping partner where we showed the prototype of our shipping solution. The results were very good and we are aiming to move forward with a cooperation. Please look forward to an announcement post summer.

  • The prototype for the new material quality testing process has been developed together with and verified by Paxymer and Rondo Plast.

  • More on the RE:Source project, several parts of the work package 3 - material quality - have been concluded and we look forward to share those insights in a coming report.

  • Work package 4 - Sustainability - has been initiated together with IVL Svenska miljöinstitutet and we are collecting data for the calculations in the time of writing.

  • Akash has been creating a proper Atomler presence on Linkedin and we are seeing growing activity through that channel.

  • We have made several improvements "under the hood" of the product thus making the platform more stable.

  • We have started to collect customer testimonials, so please continue reading. =D

  • We have also added great new features that we share below.

Customer testimonial:

Recently Opido had good experience using Atomler and we took the opportunity to ask Morgan Karlsson, production manager, 4 quick questions about his experience using Atomler.

Atomler: Hello Morgan, can you shortly explain what challenge Atomler helped you with?

Opido: To raise the price of our materials!

Atomler: How has the experience been in the process from communication to the final deal?

Opido: It was professional and simple.

Atomler: Would you recommend Atomler to others?

Opido: Yes I would do that! There is actually a good friend who does thermoforming and he is worried about getting the right price for his material, so I will recommend Atomler for him.

Atomler: Why Atomler?

Opido: You seem to have a large network of contacts, that's good!

New features:

We are really excited to highlight 2 new features that users have been asking for.

Discount codes can now be used directly when adding material listings for sale, we intend to use these in several ways so stay tuned!

Sample requests in the messenger: You can now directly request samples within the messenger when communicating with a business partner. This change creates a significantly more smooth process of asking for samples once communication has started.

/Team Atomler


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